Pemaquid Lobster & Seafood draws crowds at the Boothbay Farmers’ Market
Tracy Penniman and her friend and helper, Bonnie Nielsen, were at the Boothbay Farmers Market on June 9, weathering the unseasonably cold wind, and the blasts coming from work being done at the nearby golf course.
Penniman said she and her husband, Tom, who live in New Harbor, began their business in 2008, selling lobsters out of a roadside truck in Connecticut, where she's from. The lobster business was so good, they started taking fish and other shellfish along. That went well, too.
“So we were selling lobsters and other seafood on the side of the road in Naugatuck, and then we started doing farmers markets in Fairfield County.”
She said that after traveling back and forth between Pemaquid and Connecticut, the ride got to be a little too much. So they decided to start doing farmers markets in Maine — sometimes two on the same day. Tracy goes in one direction and Tom goes in another. They include Boothbay, Damariscotta, Belfast, Camden and Bath in the summer and Belfast, Bath, Belfast and Brunswick at indoor markets. “So we're still doing a lot of driving but at least we get to sleep in our own bed every night,” Penniman said.
The Pennimans have a commercial HACCP-certified kitchen in New Harbor where they make their specialty seafood products: lobster mac & cheese, fish and salmon burgers, crab cakes, lobster pies, crab dip, scallop casserole, chowders, lobster bisque, marinara clam sauce, an Old English fish pie, and more. “I keep coming up with new products,” Penniman said. “We only sell fresh fish, so when it doesn't sell immediately we make it into something.”
Over the winter, the Pennimans developed a Swedish-style haddock chowder, which has smoked haddock — finn & haddie, in it, which she said gives it “a nice smokey background.”
“We're staying busy,” she said.
The business is located at 17 Penniman Road in New Harbor, Maine, 04554. Visit the Pemaquid Lobster & Seafood facebook page, or their website at, or call 207-350-7054.
Event Date
17 Penniman Road
New Habor, ME 04554
United States