Winter camping workshops
Winter camping can be a fun-filled adventure. The solitude and silence of a moon-lit night on a crisp clear February night can provide beauty and awareness about the outdoors during the season that seems least appreciated to outdoor enthusiasts.
Of course, without proper preparation and respect for what a Maine winter might deliver, it could turn into a not so happy experience.
Introductions to Winter Camping workshops will be held February 1-3, 15-17 and March 1-3.
This 3-day/2-night course will provide information about the skills needed to maximize your winter camping experience. Fees are $125 per person, $100 for Hidden Valley Nature Center members. Registration is required.
Winter camping skills workshop
Learn how to enjoy all that winter has to offer while staying comfortable in the outdoors. Topics covered will include winter safety, travel, food, shelter and clothing.
The workshop will be interactive and participants can expect to be outside during the entire course and active throughout the day.
Winter Camping Skills workshops will be held January 12, 26, February 9 and March 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Fees are $40 per person, $30 for Hidden Valley Nature Center members.
For more information about Hidden Valley Nature Center’s workshops visit, email or call 877-632-2663. The Hidden Valley Nature Center is at 131 Egypt Road in Jefferson.
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