Guided bog walk at Hidden Valley Nature Center
Midcoast Conservancy’s Hidden Valley Nature Center will host a guided tour of its own kettle hole bog ecosystem on Thursday, June 30 at 10 a.m. Hildy Ellis, a horticulturist and District Coordinator at Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District, will lead visitors on a walk along the margins of the bog and on the 220 foot boardwalk extending into the heart of the wetland. The bog boardwalk, installed in 2012, was made possible through several generous grants and a huge amount of volunteer effort. With the boardwalk in place, it is now possible for visitors to interact with a fascinating, but incredibly delicate ecosystem.
The bog ecosystem is an iconic piece of Maine’s natural landscape. These wetlands have been forming over millions of years in a completely unique fashion. Much of the flora and fauna found in the bog is unique to this area and other places like it. The kettle hole bog is home to many beautiful flowering plants, including several varieties of orchids and pitcher plants, all of which will be in bloom, and unique bird species including the relatively uncommon yellow-bellied flycatcher. Along the ¼ mile hike in, you will also enjoy a large patch of lady slippers still blooming.
Hidden Valley Nature Center is part of Midcoast Conservancy, an organization dedicated to supporting healthy lands, waters, wildlife, and people in Midcoast Maine through conservation, education and recreation. For more information or to register, go to, or call (207) 389-5150.
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