Four seek two selectmen’s seats
Four men have returned nomination papers for two, three-year terms on the Woolwich Board of Selectmen. Voters will make their selection at the Nov. 8 general election.
At least one of the seats will be filled by a new candidate because longtime selectman Lloyd Coombs is retiring at the end of his term on Dec. 31. The four residents returning nomination papers were: incumbent Dale Chadbourne, Don Adams, Allen Greene, chairman of the town’s planning board, and Gary Harvey. The deadline for returning nomination papers to the town office was 5 p.m., Monday, Sept. 19.
Selectmen began Monday’s night’s meeting by reviewing a conceptional design for making the Nequasset Park swimming area ADA accessible. Jonathan DeWick of Pine Tree Engineering, Inc. of Bath presented the plan that included adding a paved walkway, ramp improvements, a railing and other improvements.
Also on hand were Joan Jordan and Sue Whittaker, both members of the Nequasset Park Improvement Committee.
Due to the costs, selectmen may opt to do the improvements in phases. First, voters would consider approving the expenditure at next year’s annual town meeting.
Last May, voters raised $3,700 for surveying and engineering to bring the swimming area into ADA compliance. The park, located behind the municipal building, also serves as a boat launch into Nequasset Brook.
Beth Harrington, recreation committee administrator, told selectmen 91 youngsters signed up and are participating in the youth soccer program. The newly formed committee is also offering adult cooking classes this fall.
Town Administrator Lynette Eastman said the town office had gotten a complaint of motorists speeding on Nequasset Road near Woolwich Central School. The town office will refer the matter to the Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Department.
EMS Director Julia Gillespie said she’d recently received a private donation to the department of $1,200. The money will be used to purchase four portable radios.
Gillespie said she’d also recently met with officials from North East Mobile Health of Topsham to discuss making some revisions to the town’s ambulance contract.
Selectmen’s Chairman David King Sr. said ReVision Energy had reviewed three locations in town for installing a solar power array. The most suitable site was on the roof of the Nequasset Meeting House across from the town office. The array would be on the cemetery side of the building. ReVision will update selectmen at a future meeting. King noted the solar project wouldn’t require any upfront money from the town but would need approval of the townspeople.
The board voted 3-1-1, Selectmen Allison Hepler, Jason Shaw and Lloyd Coombs in the affirmative, King opposed, and Chadbourne abstaining, to continue the tax-exempt status of two properties as recommended by town assessor Juanita Wilson Hennessey: the South Woolwich Volunteer Fire Co. on Montsweag Road and Day’s Ferry Community Club on Old Stage Road. King said he wants to investigate further to see if both organizations qualified under Maine law for tax-exempt status.
Selectmen will be in session 4:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 26 to set the 2016-17 tax commitment.
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