Turkey shoots to start Oct. 2
The Boothbay Region Fish & Game Association will continue its long-standing tradition of conducting "Old-Fashioned Fall Turkey Shoots" starting Oct. 2 and will then run each Sunday through Nov. 6.
Held at the club rifle range at 447 Dover Rd. in Boothbay from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., events will include .22 rifle at a mechanical target, clay pigeon (skeet), 100-yard bench rest and offhand hunting rifle, and a shotgun "card shoot." The popular card shoot, won by whoever gets a shotgun pellet closest to the "x" on an index card at 50 feet, is an all-luck event that can as easily be won by a novice as an expert.
Entry fee is $2 per shooting event, or two for $3. Prizes include a variety of frozen turkeys, chickens, hams, pork roasts and more. Businesses and individuals who would like to donate prizes are encouraged to contact Barry Gibson at 633-5929.
Coffee, hot dogs, hamburgers, and cold drinks will be available at the club cook shack for nominal charges. These fun shoots, which help provide funding for the Association, are open to the public and shooters of all ages and skills are cordially invited to participate. For more information on the club visit www.brfga.com.
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