Paint a glass ornament for the holidays
In Painted Glass Ornament on Nov. 15, you'll create two unique holiday ornaments to give as gifts or keep to decorate your home. Jen will supply the ornaments and you choose colors and designs. Designs include snowflakes, Christmas trees, holly, or create your own design. Learn step-by-step techniques to paint the designs on the ornament. No experience needed for this fun class. As the saying goes "the more, the merrier" so invite a friend or two! The time is 6 to 8 p.m. and the fee of $21, includes the ornaments and supplies.
To register for Adult Ed courses complete the registration form in the brochure, or print one from our website: Include payment and mail to the address on the form. You can also drop off your registration and payment in the high school office weekdays. If you have questions or want more information call 633-3224 or email:
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