Voting under way in Wiscasset
A line of residents stretched through the hallway outside the Wiscasset Community Center gym at the start of election day Tuesday. Voting, which continues until 8 p.m., has been held in the center’s senior center for previous elections but was moved to the gym this time. Nets that Parks and Recreation staff member Bob Macdonald said were pickleball nets separated the voting area from tables where groups were setting up displays. One was for a petition drive seeking a vote to tap federal funding for MaineCare. The other, manned by Marty Fox of the Wiscasset SunCATs, featured information on energy efficiency.
Watch for voters’ decision on the Wiscasset firefighters’ personal vehicle-washing question and area towns’ state and presidential decisions tonight at and on our Facebook page.
In the meantime, find towns’ polling places and times on our elections page.
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