Merry lights in the night
Mon, 12/12/2016 - 7:45am
Hodge Street, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
West Alna Road, Alna. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Huntoon Hill Road, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Route One, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Churchill Street, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Cross Road, Alna. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Phipps Point Road, Woolwich. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Hodge Street, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
West Alna Road, Alna. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Huntoon Hill Road, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Route One, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Churchill Street, Wiscasset. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Cross Road, Alna. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Phipps Point Road, Woolwich. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Whether an elaborate display of fun themes or a simple one with elegant white lights, outdoor holiday lights make the season brighter for passers-by.
For those who string the lights, put out the giant candy canes and maybe even set it all to music, thank you. For the rest of us, let’s keep enjoying those sights in the night that surprise us in our travels through the cold.
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