Robson steps down as waterfront committee chairman
The Wiscasset Waterfront Committee on Jan. 26 proposed several changes to the summertime pier policies for vendors, as well as the application for vendors.
The first step was to remove “Main Street” from the policies document and the application, to reflect the town’s multiple piers. There will likely be at least one vendor at the recreational pier, who will be renting kayaks.
The timing of pier rentals will change from Memorial Day to Columbus Day, to April 15-Oct. 31. Last year’s warm early spring and fall weather allowed the vendors to remain open for weeks after the official closing date. Vendors do not have to open April 15, but the committee wanted to make it easier for them to open early and stay open later if the weather is good. The committee’s recommendations will go to selectmen for the board to consider.
Without the harbor master at the meeting, several agenda items were not able to be addressed fully. These included a review of a recommendation for fees to use the commercial pier through Dec. 1, a review of regular fees that seemed low or non-existent, such as the mooring fees and the lack of a fee for launching boats, and the repair or replacement of a pump out station located on the commercial pier. Several members said the station would be more useful to pleasure craft boaters at the recreational pier.
Planner Ben Averill said he would look into a grant program the town had used once before for pump out stations and get back to the members.
A concern was raised about the lack of a boat for the harbormaster. A plan had been made to bring the harbor master’s role into the police department when it was thought that there were federal funds available to pay for a boat through a grant to police departments, but that grant program ended.
Averill announced that the Rock Lobster Relay would again come to Wiscasset, on June 24, with stops at the recreational pier and Shaw’s, and that the event would be seeking a permit from the Board of Selectmen. Another event will likely be a kayak regatta, organized by the Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commerce, sometime around July 4.
Finally, Susan Robson asked to resign as chairman of the committee. She said she wished to stay on the committee. Members hope to pick a new chairman at their next meeting, Feb. 23 at 7 p.m.
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