Westport Island trails
The Westport Conservation Commission is exploring the possibility of developing an interconnected trail network on the Island.
Informal discussions with many of the Island’s residents and follow up research by members of the Conservation Commission have revealed that the Island already has many wonderful trails that provide access to and along the coastline as well as the interior of the Island. Although several of the existing trails are along the shoreline, many more are in the Island’s abundant wildlife. The commission’s objective is to create this trail network for hiking, snowshoeing or cross-country skiing.
Currently, Westport has two areas with trails open to the general public, the Bonyun Preserve on the west side of the Island and Clough Point on the Island’s north end.
So far the Conservation Commission has identified several other areas where land owners have indicated a willingness to work with the commission to allow residents to travel across their property on an existing trail or along a property line shared with an adjacent landowner. The commission has also identified possible trail routes through several parcels of town-owned property as well as some undevelopable land owned by Maine Yankee.
The state of Maine has a strongly worded law, known as the Landowner Liability Law. This statute clearly states that if someone uses your land or passes through your premises for outdoor recreation, you assume no responsibility and incur no liability for injuries to that person or that person’s property. You, as a landowner, are also protected whether or not you give permission to use the land. In addition, the land owner would be protected from liability for injuries to volunteers allowed to maintain or improve the trail.
While enthusiastic, the commission is proceeding slowly on this and currently welcomes input from residents regarding their knowledge of existing trails, suggested routes for new or improved trails and their willingness to explore the possibility of allowing other residents to use a trail that traverses or passes adjacent to their property.
The Commission is hoping to work with the island’s landowners, with the understanding that any formal or informal permission is at their discretion and could be revoked at any time for any reason.
For more information, contact either Dick Tucker at 882-7965 or Jason Abbott at 882-6040.
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