Join our prophetic online training this Thursday, November 7th, at 10:00 a.m. Easter time USA. Our topic is “The Gift of His Voice.” I have received so much inspiration regarding the Lord preparing a people to minister His Word in the power and demonstration of the Spirit; it will be hard to contain myself.
When I mention “power,” I refer to Jesus's revealing Himself through His servants, where the people hear His voice, not ours. The Word is a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is looking for anointed vessels where the people are hearing His voice. The result is the supernatural ministry of the Spirit. At His voice, demons flee, hearts are transformed, those with a disease are healed, the lame walk, and the blind see. People, in response, will surely say, “It is Christ in you” for we have witnessed His glory” (Colossians 1:27).
Jesus spoke the words He heard the Father saying, doing only the works He saw the Father doing. The result was supernatural ministry, the way ministry is meant to be. Likewise, Jesus is looking for those He can speak through to do the works He did when He walked this earth (John 14:12). This requires people who love Him above all else to spend time in His presence. Here, they become so saturated that wherever they go, living waters flow from their innermost being, touching others with the life of His presence.
When God shows up, it is not to make our meetings better but to change us into His glorious image. The demonstration of power gives witnesses to the resurrection of the Lord as the victorious Lord of Lords and King of Kings. (See Acts 4:33).
We have entered a new season (Is. 42:9). Springs of living water are being released in the desert for His chosen people to drink from, and they shall show forth His praise. (Is. 43:19-21. For such a time as this, you are chosen to be His voice that gives rivers of living water to the thirsty and brings life to wherever God sends His Word. (Isaiah 55:8-12).
If you would like to join this meeting, which takes place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00 am Eastern time, please see our FB page called “Prophetic Training with Roy Roden at
As our one-time guest, here is the Zoom link for this Thursday’s 10:00 am meeting.
Meeting ID: 752 752 4449. Password, if needed, is Salt (capital S)
Remember, we are now at daylight saving time. This past Sunday, the clocks were set back one hour here in America.
See then – Roy Roden