Absentee ballot deadline Feb. 27
Thursday, Feb. 27 is the last day to request an absentee ballot for the March 3 primaries. Wiscasset Town Clerk Linda Perry said absentee ballots are available at the town office during regular business hours, or by phone, 882-8200.
Voting on the day of the primaries will take place in the Senior Center in the community center, 242 Gardiner Road. The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Perry said preparations have also begun for Wiscasset’s annual referendum town meeting and election of town officers June 9, the same day as the state primary and referendum election.
Nomination papers for town offices will become available March 2. The deadline for returning them to the town clerk’s office is April 9 during regular business hours. Perry noted vacancies for Wiscasset town offices include three two-year terms on the selectboard. The terms expiring are Judith Colby’s, Benjamin Rines Jr.’s and Kimberly Andersson’s. Michelle Blagdon’s three/year term on the school committee is expiring. And there are vacancies on the budget committee: three three-year terms, two two-year terms and two one-year terms; those with terms expiring include Zachary Gray, Dan Averill, Judy Flanagan, Kim Dolce, Peter Wells, Sherri Dunbar and Dan Watts.
Two three-year terms for Trustee of Wiscasset Water District are expiring, Gregg Wood’s and Dan Sortwell’s.
Absentee ballots for the June 9 election will be available May 11 through June 4, added Perry.
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