Bath Garden Club features Brunswick garden
The Bath Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at noon at Grace Episcopal Church, 1100 Washington Street, Bath.
After a light fare of sandwiches, desserts and beverages, there will be a business meeting followed by a program titled "The Founding and Development of the Tom Settlemire Community Garden" to be presented by Linton Studdiford.
Linton has been very involved in the creation of the Tom Settlemire Community Garden in Brunswick and is presently chairman of the TSCG which is owned by the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust.
This is a community garden that features 81 plots, a small fruit orchard, demonstration gardens and a 6,000 sq. ft.
Common Good Garden that grows up to two tons of vegetables for the Mid-Coast Hunger Prevention Program.
The presentation will be accompanied by slides of the garden. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this program.
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