CLC YMCA announces a capital campaign update and groundbreaking date
The Central Lincoln County YMCA announced Friday an update on its progress and path forward with the capital campaign.
The YMCA to date has raised $5.3 million toward its $6 million phase one goal. CLC YMCA CEO Meagan Hamblett said the Y continues to work with key donors and is accepting donations to raise the remaining funds before the organization breaks ground. The YMCA is looking forward to a community wide celebration and would like all those interested to save the date of May 9 for a groundbreaking ceremony and annual meeting.
The Y has selected JF Scott Construction as its construction management firm to work alongside local architect Tor Glendinning and GRO Development. The Y’s building task force, facility design task force, architects and construction management firm have worked together to refine the plans to develop a design that is within the limits of an affordable budget. The Y wants to ensure that every dollar raised is being used in the most cost effective, sustainable manner without compromising the quality and growing array of programs offered. Updated design plans that reflect the earnest efforts of community members, Y volunteers, staff and the professional organizations aforementioned will be shared with the community in the near future.
“We’re excited about the design, which has taken into account the space we’ve needed already as well as the programmable space we’ll need 10 years from now to accommodate new programs and space for this community,” said Hamblett. “However, support is still needed from the community to help finance the remaining portion of phase one and to anticipate plans for phase two.”
Phase one of the facility design includes a new fitness center, a teaching kitchen, various communal spaces, an elevator, an elevated track, an open lobby and welcome center, a multipurpose/ intergenerational room, a circulation spine from the front of the building to the new suite of locker rooms and an additional studio for fitness classes. Phase Two completes the project with the addition of an aquatic center and family locker room.
Dennis Anderson, board chair of the CLC Y, added, “So many people have for so long been diligently and tirelessly working on a dream of a Y facility worthy of this incredible community. Their determination is about to finally pay off in so many wonderful ways. I’m humbled by the benevolence, patience and good faith of all our supporters.”
To learn more about the Y’s Capital Campaign and how to make a donation, visit and click on Donate to Capital Campaign button on the home page.
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