Democratic headquarters grand opening June 21
The Lincoln County Democrats are excited to invite you to join us at our new 2016 campaign headquarters grand opening! This will be a potluck dinner, starting at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday June 21.
The address is 281 Main Street, Damariscotta, which is next to the First Federal Savings Bank, located between the Damariscotta Baptist Church and the Rising Tide Community Market. The phone number is 563-1068.
We have a few great dishes for the potluck planned, but please feel free to share some of your favorite treats at the event.
Come speak with our local candidates, and meet some of our new faces in the Lincoln County Democratic Party.
There are many important issues facing Maine, and we invite you to join the discussion.
For more information or to coordinate dishes to bring, please feel free to contact Valarie Johnson (valariesmithjohnson@gmail.com549-3358) or Sandie O'Farrell (sandieofarrell@gmail.com832-7870)
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