DRA’s Archaeological Field School offers chance to dig into local history

Thu, 03/01/2018 - 8:45am

    Damariscotta River Association's (DRA’s) Archaeology Field School provides a unique opportunity for laypeople and students to participate in a professional dig. Students learn the fundamental principles and experience the rigors of archaeological fieldwork while working alongside experienced archaeologist Tim Dinsmore.

    Three week-long sessions are scheduled in 2018 from July 8 through July 27. Tuition is $350 per session or $325 for DRA members. Rates are discounted for those who sign up for more than one session. Early sign-up is recommended, as there is a maximum of twelve participants per session. To learn more or to register, go to damariscottariver.org/events-programs.

    This year's archaeology teams will be excavating at the Elisha Hatch (1769-1803) Homestead site located off River Road in Newcastle. Hatch carried out the smithy work for shipwright George Barstow, and presumably for contemporary shipwright Nathaniel Bryant during the mid-1760s to 1772.

    Located along the Damariscotta River and overlooking what would have been the shipyard, the site has remained untouched since last occupied in 1803. For this reason, it represents a time capsule for which to study the early maritime history of the Damariscotta region.

    The goals of this year’s exaction include determining the layout and orientation of the homestead as well as locating blacksmithing activities.

    The minimum age to attend is 14. Past field school sessions have included a mix of high school age students, college students, and retirees who have always wanted to participate in a professional archaeological dig. Experience among participants in past years has ranged from first timers, to seasoned excavators, to up-and-coming archaeologists. College participants in past years have made arrangements with their professors or advisors to obtain college credit. The program also benefits teachers who require recertification credits.

    Two partial scholarships are available to qualifying teachers and students through the Helen Gurland Scholarship Fund. Call DRA at 207-563-1393 for additional information.