Dresden gets $11,000 less from DEP culvert grant
Dresden taxpayers may have to come up with additional funds for the repair of a culvert on Bog Road after a clerical error at the state level has reduced a Department of Environmental Protection grant by $11,000, selectmen said.
“We may have to ask for $30,000,” Selectman Allan Moeller Sr. said at the board meeting on Monday night.
Moeller said the mistake will result in the town receiving $84,000 instead of $95,000 for the project estimated to cost $115,000-$118,000. He said another option is going back to engineers to see if the work could be done for less. The precast concrete culvert is designed to allow alewives and other fish free passage.
Other local road projects have either been completed or are under way, he said.
Moeller said the registration stickers for 2017 for ATVs (all terrain vehicles) have been lost at the town office.
“We still can’t find them. There are a lot of things getting lost,” said Treasurer Kim Rzasa.
Administrative Assistant Trudy Foss said that currently there were no requests for the stickers.
Rzasa said if they cannot be found, the town would have to ask the state for additional stickers.
Selectmen agreed to remove the designation of Overseers of the Poor from their titles.
Foss said that was no longer a duty of the selectmen and that by law they no longer have access to information about residents in need of assistance.
Recount held
Following the meeting, a formal recount of ballots from the July 14 election confirmed the 149-138 vote in favor of Dwight Keene for second selectman.
“Every lot matched. The count will not change,” said recount supervisor Chris Wolfe.
Foss said Keene will be sworn in before the next selectman’s meeting on July 11.
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