Edgecomb close to finishing full-time fire chief job description

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 9:45am

    On July 23, selectmen followed Edgecomb firemen’s recommendation to hire Roy Potter as chief. Assistant Chief Roland Abbott told selectmen department volunteers were unanimous in their nomination. “We met a couple weeks ago and agreed we want Roy to continue as chief,” he said. Selectmen voted, 3-0, in appointing Potter to a three-year term. All that’s left regarding the new full-time fire chief’s position is a job description.

    Selectman Michael Maxim reported the board has looked at four towns’ fire chief job descriptions. “There are two which align closely to our goals: Norridgewock and Bridgton. We are making progress and should have it completed after another workshop. We will likely approve one at our next meeting,” Maxim said. 

    In other action, medical officer Dr. Kathryn Rohr and Code Enforcement Officer Phil Haas updated selectmen on their recent inspection of Pioneer Motel. In April, Maine Department of Health and Human Services identified three critical and 11 non-critical violations. The alleged violations included rodent infestation, lack of adequate cleaning, no commercial laundry facility, improper linen storage, missing smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, improper extension cord use, no material safety data sheets for on-site chemicals in use, loose and rotten handrails, and equipment and facilities needing maintenance, repair, or replacement. 

    Rohr and Haas reported the owner had made progress in moving toward compliance. “All the rooms were occupied so we didn’t get a chance to see inside. It will take another visit to see what the situation is,” Rohr said. In April, Pioneer Motel surrendered its licensing resulting in a reclassification. The business is no longer a motel, under state supervision. The new classification is rental rooms, under municipal supervision. 

    Selectmen entered two executive sessions. The board discussed personnel, labor negotiations and legal counsel advice. Following the meeting, Maxim reported the board discussed snow plow negotiations with Griffin Excavation, LLC and spoke to their attorney regarding a personnel policy.

    Edgecomb selectmen also serve as the municipal assessors. An assessors’ meeting was held following the selectmen’s meeting to set the mil rate. Maxim reported the 2024 mil rate is 0.02198. Selectmen meet next at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 6 in the conference room.