Edgecomb resident seeks McKay Road repairs
Washouts along McKay Road in Edgecomb are getting worse, and a resident is seeking relief from the town. On June 25, Maggie Hunter met with selectmen to discuss problems with the road’s ditching and culvert. Hunter sent selectmen three pictures of the most recent washout prior to speaking at the meeting. “The road is gradually getting worse after each storm,” she said. “I worried about a serious accident as water is running along the shoulder and not in the ditch. The shoulder needs to be filled in.”
Selectman George Chase agreed to contact Road Commissioner Scott Griffin to inspect and make a possible recommendation regarding repairs.
In other action, selectmen will also meet with Griffin in two weeks regarding snow plow contract negotiations with his business S.R. Griffin Construction, Inc. which has assumed the town’s snow plowing for years. Chase reported Griffin is looking to “step back” from the snow plowing and transfer it to his business associate. Griffin will participate in the upcoming snow plow contract negotiations next month, according to Chase.
Selectmen are looking to tie up a couple loose ends regarding the town hall maintenance. A recent inspection resulted in discovering the boiler’s pipe fittings need replacing. Selectmen are also seeking an electrician to replace the electrical panel. “The inspection discovered the panel had been recalled. It’s no good. So we need to replace it,” Chase said. Administrative Assistant Jessica Mague told selectmen she would seek quotes for replacing the electrical panel.
The town has received an AED (automated external defibrillator), and now is looking for assistance in displaying it in the town hall. Selectmen agreed to ask Fire Chief Roy Potter to assist in hanging it in the hall. Potter and Dr. Kathryn Rohr, the town medical officer, will be asked to train municipal staff in operating the device.
Selectmen appointed Brent Barter of Whitefield as the shellfish warden for one year. Selectmen approved the July 1 special town meeting warrant on June 20. The warrant has four questions. No. 1 is electing a moderator. No. 2 asks to raise and appropriate $93,203.37 for fire department salaries and wages. This article also includes $62,400 as the salary for a full-time fire chief. Residents approved a full-time chief at their May town meeting. No. 3 asks to appropriate from surplus $8,333.11 for firefighter training and employer’s share of taxes. No. 4 asks voters to enact an ordinance titled “Town of Edgecomb Fire and Rescue Department.”
The July 1 special town meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the town hall. The next selectmen’s meeting is at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9.