Fish & Game Assoc. to host Kids’ Ice Fishing Derby Feb. 20
The Boothbay Region Fish & Game Association will hold its annual Kids’ Ice Fishing Derby on Wiley Pond from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20 at the club property on Dover Road in Boothbay.
Wiley Pond has again this year been opened by the state for kids-only (under 16) ice fishing for the month of February. The Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife stocked the pond with brook trout this past fall, specifically for ice fishing.
The Derby will be open to the public, and the club gate will be open so that participants can drive up into the club parking lot adjacent to the pond. The club house will be heated and open for all, with hot beverages and food available for purchase. There is no entry fee.
IF&W rules allow a maximum of two traps or fishing rods per child. No finfish (shiners, smelts, etc.) will be allowed as bait during the derby, but worms and artificial lures are permitted. Only two trout per child per day may be legally retained.
The club will encourage catch and release during the event, and member volunteers will come around to measure and record any fish that are to be released. Released fish have the same opportunity for winning prizes as fish that are retained.
Cash prizes of $50, $25, $10, $10, and $10 will be awarded respectively for the five largest (longest overall length) brook trout caught. The awards ceremony will be held in the club house at 2 p.m., and will include a number of door prizes.
In the event of a cancellation or postponement due to weather or ice conditions, the club will post a notice on its Facebook page, Boothbay Region Fish and Game Association.
For more information contact Barry Gibson at 633-5929, or email
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