Forestry events at Hidden Valley Nature Center
Throughout autumn 2013, Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC) will offer a suite of forestry-related classes and workshops for landowners, resource professionals, families, and just about anyone who is interested.
HVNC will showcase its own innovative forestry practices, as well as partner with the Maine Forest Service, Mid-Maine Forestry, Maine Organic Gardener’s and Farmers Assoc., and others to provide visitors with a broad picture of modern sustainable forestry.
The series of events will start on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at HVNC with “Explore the Depth and Breadth of Sustainable Forestry,” co-sponsored by the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. Students will be introduced to the process and practices of ensuring successful forest management that increase the health of Maine’s forests.
HVNC will host another Timber Frame Construction workshop Thursday, Sept. 26 through Sunday Sept. 29. Eight students will work with building professionals to build, start to finish, a 12 by 16-foot sugar house out of white pine beams harvested as part of HVNC’s forest improvements. This workshop is co-sponsored with the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association.
On October 5, 8 a.m. to noon, and October 6, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., HVNC will offer Chainsaw Safety, Level 1. Students will work with qualified instructors to become comfortable with basic chainsaw operations, maintenance and safety. Students will develop introductory skills in limbing, bucking, and felling trees in the safest manner. Students with no experience are encouraged to enroll. This course is also designed for casual chainsaw users not familiar with modern tree-felling operations.
The annual Women and Their Woods workshop will be Thursday, Oct. 10, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Women landowners and forest managers will work with forestry professionals and other landowners to develop their knowledge of how to be successful woodland stewards. The day will feature extensive indoor and outdoor lessons, and will cover a range of topics from stewardship planning to timber harvests.
Mark your calendars now for all these great events. Be sure to visit for more information about all these workshops, as well as more information about all of our non-forestry workshops. HVNC is a community supported, nonprofit education center offering learning opportunities related to sustainable forestry and local ecology. HVNC also features over 25 miles of multi-use trails for non-motorized recreation. Registration, course details, and more are all available online, or call 207-200-8840 with questions.
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