FOS Paint Night fundraiser draws 46 in Wiscasset
Sue Begin of Cre8tive Events led 46 painters through Paint Night at St. Philip’s Church, Hodge Street, Wiscasset Friday, Feb. 10. The Feed Our Scholars fundraiser netted over $750, Gretchen Burleigh-Johnson said.
“It was a truly multi-generational group,” Burleigh-Johnson said of participants. “We had families with young kids all the way up to seniors.
“Datvik (Deirkrikorian) of Water Lily Flowers donated an absolutely fabulous centerpiece for the dessert table (with star delectables care of Sarah's, Treats, and Jodie's) that echoed the painting we were making, complete with a child's truck full of beautiful flowers. We had put a little heart under one of the chairs to award the winner of the arrangement. Terry Heller won!”
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