letter to the editor

Give Goodkowsky the opportunity

Mon, 10/24/2022 - 6:30pm

Dear Editor:

We are all former Alna selectmen. We run from liberal to conservative and are both Republicans and Democrats, so we don’t always agree on things. But we do agree that Evan Goodkowsky is the right person to represent Alna and the other towns of District 47 in the legislature.

Because Evan has the most recent and most direct municipal government experience, including serving as a municipal assessor, we believe he is the candidate who best understands the challenges facing small Maine towns right now. Because he understands local government, he will be alert to policy ideas in Augusta that could make managing municipalities even more difficult, and he will listen to town leaders on issues that concern them.
We are also impressed that Evan choose to run as an Independent. He didn’t do that just for convenience, but rather because he feels strongly that serving under a party label often means that good ideas get rejected just because they come from the opposing party. He understands how cynical his contemporaries have become of partisan politics. These young people will soon inherit our state’s economy; it is time to turn the reins of government over to them too and let them shape our public policies. After all, it’s their future.

To us, Evan’s independent thinking, combined with his core integrity, commitment to practical problem-solving, and clear people skills make him the obvious best choice to represent our interests in Augusta. Please give this young man the opportunity to represent us all.

David Abbott

Louis “Butch” Brown

Forrest Faulkingham

Doug Baston

Greg Shute