‘Insect Safari’ kicks off fall preschool program
The Damariscotta River Association (DRA) has announced its upcoming fall and winter programs, including the popular “Frogs and Pollywogs” monthly program for preschoolers and their parents or guardians. The class meets the third Thursday of each month, except during October and February.
The September 19 program is “Insect Safari.” During the program participants will witness metamorphosis in progress, learn about insect life cycles, sing a song about insect body parts and practice catch and release techniques. Nets and containment systems are provided though participants may bring their own.
Marisa McMurtrie, a mother from Bremen, enthused about the DRA preschool programs, said, “Logan has learned so many exciting things at Frogs and Pollywogs! In this highly digital age, it is a true blessing to have nature education happening for kids right here in our region. The fact that it's fun, affordable, and run by such an incredibly knowledgeable staff is just thrilling. We are so grateful!”
This program offers parents an opportunity to learn with their child through hands-on activities and short hikes. Naturalist and DRA Education Coordinator Sarah Gladu explains, “This program is aimed at preschoolers but parents are pleased to find they are learning alongside their young child. This heightens everyone’s enthusiasm for making discoveries together and developing a passion for nature.”
Frogs and Pollywogs classes meet from 10 to 11 a.m. on the given date. The class meets at the DRA Heritage Center, 110 Belvedere Road in Damariscotta, unless otherwise noted. The fee is $3 per child. The October class for preschoolers is “Forest Foray,” the November 21 class is “Mammals of Maine,” and the December 19 class is “Birds of a Feather.” Registration is required for all Frogs and Pollywogs classes.
To register and for a listing of additional fall and winter programs, contact the DRA or visit its website: www.damariscottariver.org. The Damariscotta River Association is a nonprofit membership supported organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the natural, cultural, and historical heritage of the Damariscotta River, its watershed, and adjacent areas for the benefit of all.
DRA has active programs in the areas of land conservation, stewardship, community education, water quality monitoring, marine conservation and cultural preservation. Visitors are welcome at the Great Salt Bay Heritage Center in Damariscotta as well as the many other DRA properties throughout the region. For more information call 207- 563-1393 or email dra@damariscottariver.org.
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