Maine PUC to decide CMP metering, billing case prior to action on company’s rate hike request
The Maine Public Utilities Commission said Aug. 6 that it expects to rule on the controversial metering and billing case in December 2019, and shortly thereafter take action on CMP’s proposed rate request.
“In the interest of transparency and making the best decision possible for Maine ratepayers, the Commissioners agreed that the results of the metering and billing case must be thoroughly understood before proceeding to the rate case,” stated Philip Bartlett, Chairman of the Commission, in a news release. “Our experienced staff is devoting hundreds of hours to these cases, including hours spent with Maine consumers at public hearings and in assisting in the resolution of claims made by ratepayers. Mainers can be assured that their testimony will play a role in these cases.”
The Commission approved a delay in CMP’s rate case proceeding.
The Commission’s decision will change the rate case schedule to more closely align with the schedule in the metering and billing case which is expected to be decided in late December.
About the Commission
The Maine Public Utilities Commission regulates electric, telephone, water and gas utilities to ensure that Maine citizens have access to safe and reliable utility service at rates that are just and reasonable for all ratepayers. Commission programs include Maine Enhanced 911 Service and Dig Safe. Philip Bartlett serves as Chairman, Bruce Williamson and Randall Davis serve as Commissioners.
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