Lincoln Theater
New series examines racial struggles
Sat, 01/27/2024 - 10:30am
It’s no secret there are issues in our complicated country where passion prevails. And what is one of the easiest ways to change hearts and minds? Telling stories.
Lincoln Theater is pleased to offer a brand-new film series, “Screen Thoughts,” examining “America’s Racial Struggles on the Screen” with host, writer and film reviewer, Christine Merser. Beginning Thursday, Feb. 8 and Friday Feb. 9, the Screen Thoughts series kicks things off with five-time Oscar winner, “In the Heat of the Night.”
Critically acclaimed, and the 1968 Oscar Winner for Best Picture, “In the Heat of the Night,” is set in a racially divided small town in Mississippi. The film, which revolves around a black detective named Virgil Tibbs, superbly portrayed by Sidney Poitier, who is reluctantly enlisted to help solve a murder investigation, explores themes of prejudice, systemic racism, and social injustice. As Tibbs and the white police chief, played by Oscar Winner Rod Steiger, work together on the case, they confront their own biases and tackle the deeply ingrained racism within the community. “In the Heat of the Night” is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the pervasive racial tensions of the era and offers a searing critique of discrimination and inequality.
Each of the films in the series, which also includes the 1988 Gene Hackman film “Mississippi Burning,” and Gregory Peck classic “To Kill A Mockingbird,” have such interesting histories, both in their production and their reception by the public. Series host Christine Merser will provide a 15-minute introduction to each film, offering insights without spoilers, and will lead a post-screening discussion around the film’s historical context, how it affected the public when it was released, and it’s continued value for society. The fourth and final film of the series will be decided by viewers based on what they want to see on the big screen!
Merser, a writer and recent Maine replant, has been a film reviewer for Screen Thoughts for the last 10 years. Rated four stars and recently obtained by Spotify as one of their podcast series, Screen Thoughts houses her podcasts with other reviewers from the industry, as well written reviews. “I think that we humans are cemented in our point of view around explosive issues. Stories can change hearts and minds, especially when they are viewed in the darkened theater, without pushing their way into your point of view in a debate over dinner. I love going to the movies.”
Join your friends and neighbors for this entertaining and educational series, Racial Struggles on the Screen, beginning with “In the Heat of the Night” playing at 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8 and at 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9. Tickets for individual screenings will be regular movie prices. Subscriptions are available for the full series at $27 adults and $18 members - four films for the price of three!
The Lincoln Theater is located at 2 Theater St., in downtown Damariscotta. More information is available by visiting the theater’s website at or by contacting the theater office by email at or by calling 563-3424.
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2 Theater Street
Damariscotta, ME 04543
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