
Lift and Lodge Column

If you’re looking for a new adventure close to home, the Mount Washington Valley area of New Hampshire might be just the ticket. My wife and I recently spent a…

Lift and Lodge

The New Year has started off in great shape for winter sports enthusiasts. Two storms combined have already surpassed the total accumulation in Midcoast Maine…

Boothbay Region Land Trust
Preserve Steward Cheryl Lorrain snowshoeing on Zak Preserve.

Zak Preserve at Wildcat Creek in Boothbay has something for everyone and is a preserve for all seasons. With its open fields, salt marsh, tidal wetland, freshwater stream, and…

Today's Ski With Sue

While School House Pond Trail on Barter’s Island is perfect for a short ski on a busy day…

Chewonki Foundation

Chewonki announces open enrollment for its upcoming Winter Vacation Camp with great indoor and outdoor activities for kids and families. 

Programs will be offered throughout the winter…

Teens To Trails, or “T3,” is pleased to announce this year’s Outing Club grant recipients from 18 high schools across the state, including four brand new teen Outing Club programs. 


A Bird's Tale
Bird watchers in Bristol. From left, Jeff Wells, Evan Wells, Alden Hallett, Mark Shannon, Seth Benz and Margie Shannon enjoy spotting a few aviary wonders in 2009. Courtesy of Allison Wells

We received an email last week from a young local birder who asked about the idea of doing a Christmas Bird Count in the Boothbay area. 

It occurred to us that many area residents might not…

Hidden Valley Nature Center

Winter camping can be a fun-filled adventure. The solitude and silence of a moon-lit night on a crisp clear February night can provide beauty and awareness about the outdoors during the season…

A Bird's Tale
A Bananaquit. Courtesy of Kirk Rogers.

We just returned from a vacation on the island of Aruba where, along with the warm weather, we enjoyed seeing many of “our” birds on their winter grounds. 

There were lots of the long-legged…

Teens To Trails (T3) is working to engage Maine teens in the outdoors through their promotion of & support for teen Outing Clubs across the State. A new T3 initiative called "…

Holiday Season
During Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens' November 17 Frozen Turkey Hunt, winners will receive their prizes of turkeys and other foods for the Thanksgiving table. One lucky winner will receive 150 gallons of fuel oil from Dead River Company; another will receive a cord of wood. Courtesy of William Cullina

Many of the “hunters” in Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens’ much-loved tradition, the Frozen Turkey Hunt, will take home frozen turkeys. And someone will win the grand prize of 150…

Boothbay Region Land Trust

The Boothbay Region Land Trust is pleased to announce the debut of family hikes, a fun and healthy way to get children and adults outside. Families from the Boothbay region and beyond are invited…

A Bird's Tale
Wild turkey. Courtesy of Kirk Rogers

If you celebrate Thanksgiving and you’re not a vegetarian, chances are you will be enjoying a turkey dinner November 22, but not in the way history had the settlers feasting on the…

The World Around Us

Wild edible plant walk

Sunday, Nov. 11, 1 to 3 p.m. – Take a walk with Maine Master…

A Bird's Tale
Bald eagle. Courtesy of Kirk Rogers

On the way to drop off our son at school the other day, we made the sad discovery that our favorite bald eagle nest had disappeared from its high perch atop a stately old pine tree…

The National Park Service has announced that the Teens To Trails organization was selected to receive assistance from the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation…

Teens To Trails (T3) is pleased to announce a rare opportunity for Maine High School Outing Club programs to receive funding support through their Grants-to-Clubs program. Since…

Ready, Aim
Assistant Chief Roger Whitney makes home fries while fellow volunteer firefighter David Seigers supervises. JOHN MAGUIRE/Wiscasset Newspaper

Deer hunters took to the woods early Saturday morning, Oct. 27, in clear, mild weather for the first day of firearms deer hunting season. There are mixed reviews as to number of deer in the…

A Bird's Tale
Pine siskin. Courtesy of Jeffrey Wells

They appear about every two years. 

They come in groups, sometimes numbering more than a hundred, and may stay in backyards for weeks. They arrive without invitation and with no advance…

A Bird's Tale
Ruffed grouse. Courtesy of Kirk Rogers

Just the other day we were driving down Route 27 toward Wiscasset admiring the red and gold autumn hillsides when a football-sized bird, its short wings in a blur, came bursting from the roadside…

The World Around Us

These two adjacent properties may be a little off the beaten path, but they are well worth tracking down for a visit. Linekin Preserve was created in 1994 when Ann and Walter…

Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association
SVCA will open a new trail at the Trout Brook Preserve on Saturday at 10 a.m. Courtesy of Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association

On Saturday, Oct. 20 at 10 a.m., Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association will celebrate the grand opening of a new 1.1-mile trail on its Trout Brook Preserve in Alna.

A Bird's Tale
A white-crowned sparrow. Courtesy of Jeffrey Wells

“It’s just a sparrow.” 

Bird enthusiasts hear and use that phrase a lot this time of year. 

Every October here in Maine, we are inundated with sparrows. Just about every weedy field,…

Photo: Wiscasset
Mums will flower until the first hard frost hits. GARY DOW/Wiscasset Newspaper

This colorful array of mums and pumpkins arranged with a portion of a wooden barrel on a leaf-covered lawn is on the corner of Federal and Hooper streets in Wiscasset.

Photo: Hunting Season
This bull moose's antlers were 48-inches wide and had 20 points. Courtesy of Marsha DeCosta

Kathy Frizzell, a member of the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper sales team, and Bill Dighton, brought this 808-pound moose home last week. Frizzell, who…

Outing Club

Jane Koopman is the new T3 Outreach Coordinator for Outing Clubs. Koopman is an avid outdoorswoman and has years of experience in leading outdoor programs, shaping the ethics,…


Sometimes the most special places are hidden right in plain sight. This is the case with Boothbay Region Land Trust’s Penny Lake Preserve, which stretches behind the businesses and homes of…

A Bird's Tale
A semipalmated plover navigates slick rocks. Courtesy of Kirk M. Rogers

A soft plaintive “puwee” echoed in from out over the water as a small group of swift-winged birds, a tad smaller than robins, came zipping in to land on the shore. With their mud-brown backs and…

Rachel Carson's camera and photography equipment, loaned from the Hendrick’s Hill Museum, are on display at the Coastal Maine Botanical Garden’s Rachel Carson exhibit. Several artifacts from Carson’s life and work are on display until October 23 at the gardens. BEN BULKELEY/Boothbay Register

For the Coastal Maine Botanical Garden’s Rachel Carson exhibit, there are books signed by the author and naturalist.

There are tattered and dog-eared copies of Carson’s opus “Silent Spring…

Hidden Valley Nature Center

Women and the Woods

Women and the Woods is a whole day workshop on October 10, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., which is co-sponsored by…

A Bird's Tale
An American Goldfinch. Courtesy of Kirk Rogers.

Not long ago many people referred to them as wild canaries. Maybe some folks still do. We like to call them “potato chip birds.” But the official name given to these little yellow…


The educational programs at Seeds of Knowledge have been well received by families around the Midcoast area. In order to provide learning opportunities to more students, enrichment…

A Bird's Take
Mallards flying in front of the moon. Courtesy of Kirk M. Rogers.

When most people think of the world’s great wildlife migrations they might think of herds of zebras and wildebeest crossing the African plains or the march of the emperor penguins across the…

A Bird's Take
A whimbrel. One of these birds was recently tracked on its southern migration and made it through Hurricane Isaac. Courtesy of Kirk Rogers

A whimbrel is a large brown shorebird that's almost as big as a laughing gull, with a distinctive long, down-curved bill and black stripes on the head. Whimbrels nest in the tundra of Canada and…

Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association board member Paul Hoffman holds a portion of the submissions required for the Land Trust Accreditation. Courtesy of Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association

The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association has achieved land trust accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance…

Video: A Bird's Take

Common nighthawks are fairly large birds, shaped like small falcons with long, sharply pointed wings. Despite their name, they are not closely related to hawks at all. And, sadly, they are also…

The World Around Us

Scottish conservationist John Muir would routinely walk with friends in the Sierra, taking more than an hour to cover a mile of linear distance. His fascination with everything natural in his path…

A Bird's Take
A Bonaparte's gull sports his breeding plumage in Kennebunkport in 2005. Courtesy of Jeffrey and Allison Wells

Coming back from a Fisherman’s Island tour last August, we noticed that there were hundreds of laughing gulls fluttering in the air above the spruce trees as our boat passed Spruce Point. We might…

Hidden Valley Nature Center

Hidden Valley Nature Center has organized a 7-plus mile nature walk along a half-marathon trail, guided by Director Gary Hayward on August 28 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The walk will…


Friday, August 24, will bring a favorite instructor, Greg Marley, to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens for a day-long workshop to forage for and learn about Maine’s marvelous mushrooms. The program…


A decision is expected this week on whether river herring will be listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

River herring refers to both alewives and blue back herring.

Photographing birds is a challenge Robin R. Robinson will help her audience conquer during an illustrated presentation at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens on Wednesday, Aug. 22. Courtesy of Robin R. Robinson

Capturing high-quality photos of bird is undoubtedly tricky, but it can be done, and beautifully. On Wednesday, Aug. 22, at 2 p.m., nature photographer Robin R. Robinson will share some of her…

Nature Walk

The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association will host a nature walk at their Stetser Preserve in Jefferson on Wednesday, Aug. 15, from 10 a.m. to noon.

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

Within three days of each other, two new offerings at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens will look at living things from entirely different angles. On Tuesday, August 14, children 7 and up…


Chewonki summer camp in Wiscasset still has spots available for five-day campers in late August.

Campers will get to participate in…

Boothbay Region Land Trust

Messing about in boats is a favorite occupation in the Boothbay region. Yet, if one is neither a fisherman nor a tour boat operator, there are just so many things to do in a boat of any size. If…


The Lincoln County Historical Association invites you to enjoy the recently expanded hiking opportunities at the Pownalborough Court House grounds on a beautiful and distinctive 90-acre tract of…

Pemaquid Paddlers

The Pemaquid Paddlers’ next trip will be at Clary Lake on Tuesday, July 24.

Put-in is from Newcastle, take Route 215 north for 14.3 miles, shortly after passing Route 126 you will see the…

The Westport Conservation Commission is exploring the possibility of developing an interconnected trail network on the Island.

Informal discussions with many of the Island’s residents and…

Due to a higher than normal number of bear-related complaints this year, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife wants to remind the public how to best avoid bear conflicts.