Planning continues for ‘Rise Above’ event at airport
Openings remain for youth organizations, church groups, veterans and other organizations to take group tours of the “Rise Above” Tuskegee Airmen exhibit in August at Wiscasset Municipal Airport. The tours, a pre-screening of the exhibit that will be open to the public Aug. 20, run Aug. 17-19.
Although these slots are filling up daily, there are still openings. More slots remain for small groups than for large ones of up to 35. It is important to note that these tours are scheduled in advance. Organizations must be on the schedule to participate. The preview showing dates prior to the Aug. 20 fly-in are not open to the public. If an organization would like a preview, it must contact Lisa Reece to check for availability to get on the schedule. Organizations participating so far are the Boys and Girls Club of Lewiston/Auburn and South Portland, the Lewiston/Auburn YMCA, the Damariscotta CLC and Boothbay Region YMCA, and the Wiscasset Recreation summer program, to name a few.
The Commemorative Air Force brings to life this amazing and often overlooked story of the Tuskegee Airmen, America’s first black fighter squadron of World War II. On August 20 the exhibit and fly-in will be open to the public with a rare, restored P-51 “Red Tail” Mustang on display. The Saturday show includes helicopter rides, veteran programs, entertainment, static displays, food, and a variety of antique, vintage and new aircraft.
The squadron’s story is an inspirational one, especially for the young people of today, and a valuable message for all ages. The goal is to expose the next generation to a story that will excite and inspire them to fulfill their dreams no matter the obstacles. This event also introduces students to general aviation and the public to the importance of small community airports. The exhibit is designed to inspire our youth and honor all our veterans. This is truly an important and timely event for all ages — now more than ever as we are losing our “greatest generation” at an alarming rate.
We look forward to sharing a part of our history that we should never forget. We can all learn a lot from these brave men who “triumphed over adversity” to fight for our freedom in a time of segregation and bigotry.
There are no costs associated with viewing this exhibit on any of these dates. For more information, contact Reece at or 207 350-2122.
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