Repairs cut Cross Road’s crack count
How far does $3,000 go? That amount in recent crack repairs made it about the first 700 feet down Alna’s Cross Road, First Selectman David Abbott said Oct. 12. The road has more cracking, some of which is too big for the type of work just completed, Abbott said.
He gave the update at what had been scheduled as a selectmen’s meeting. Neither Second Selectman Melissa Spinney nor Third Selectman Doug Baston was able to attend, so no quorum meant no action could be taken on town business, Abbott said.
Town Clerk Lisa Arsenault took notes as Abbott explained the crack-sealing project resulted in 3,000 feet of repairs, but a total distance of only hundreds of feet down the road because any spot might have had multiple cracks that needed attention. The section completed runs from the Route 218 intersection to about where the dry hydrant and Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway Museum are, Abbott said.
Based on how far the $3,000 went, he estimated sealing cracks all the way to West Alna Road would have cost about $25,000.
The board recently hired Bill Rogers of Edgecomb for the $3,000 job. Selectmen have voiced interest in addressing cracks on some other roads as well, but Abbott had predicted Cross Road might take the entire $3,000. He said Oct. 12, asphalt, not sealant, might be needed next year to further address the road’s issues. Otherwise, he said, “the big cracks will turn into ditches, practically.”
Abbott hoped the recent work would hold up under snowplowing this winter. “We’ll have to see,” he said.
Also Oct. 12, Arsenault said since tax bills went out, payments had been coming in fast, already totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. The board set this year’s rate at $20.45 for every thousand dollars of assessed valuation, a 15-cent drop from the 2015 rate.
The board meets next at 6 p.m. Oct. 19 at the town office, Abbott said.
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