Republican Committee to host musical party at Skidompha
The Lincoln County Republican Committee will host a fundraising evening of holiday cheer and entertainment on Friday, Dec. 13 at Porter Hall, Skidompha Library in Damariscotta. Special guests will be Hannah Winchenbach and the Honorable Richard Bennett.
Winchenbach, who lives in Camden, will play Bach’s G major suites. She will play background music throughout the event. Hannah has played the cello for 10 years and is a member of the Midcoast Symphony Orchestra. Winchenbach recently studied with Myles Jordan, a long-time member of the Da Ponte String Quartet.
Bennett, joining us from Oxford, will share his wonderful voice to sing several Christmas carols and then lead our guests in a carol sing-along. Rick’s extensive accomplishments include serving in the Maine House of Representatives from 1990 to 1994. He served as state senator from western Maine from 1996 to 2004. After a 16-year hiatus from public office, he is re-entering politics. Following a successful business career, Rick is running again in 2020 for Senate District #19.
Bennett was elected the chairman of the Maine State Republican Party in 2013 and served until 2017. During his tenure, the Maine Republican Party made history by re-electing Governor Paul LePage with the most votes of any governor in Maine history, delivering a Presidential Elector to the GOP nominee for the first time since 1988, re-electing a Republican congressman for the first time since 1992, re-electing a Republican state senate for the first time since 1980, and adding Republican seats to the Maine House of Representatives in three consecutive years. Rick will be joined at the event by his wife of many years, Karen.
In addition to the musical entertainment, we will be offering conservative and historical books for purchase, for your Christmas gift-giving or to donate to our local libraries, which currently offer very few books of this type.
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