Route 1 traffic signal planned
A traffic signal is in the works for the intersection of Routes 1 and 27 in Wiscasset as are additional sidewalks for sections of Route 1, according to plans discussed at the Lincoln County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, July 7.
During the meeting, County Administrator John O’Connell shared plans prepared by the Maine Department of Transportation for the sidewalk and signal project. The project will cost $620,000 and is funded from federal funds (80 percent) and state funds (20 percent).
Maine Department of Transportation Project Manager Aurele Gorneau explained the project in a follow up interview with the Boothbay Register/Wiscasset Newspaper. According to Gorneau, there were originally two projects, one for the traffic signal and one for the sidewalks, but given the proximity of the work area, they were combined into one project.
The new sidewalk will extend from the current Bank of Maine building along Route 1 in front of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and end on a diagonal spur into the lower level of the combined county EMA and courthouse parking lots.
The plan originated approximately one year ago as a result of a need that was identified by the Maine DOT planning department.
Gorneau explained that the sidewalk portion of the project, which also includes a crosswalk, is considered to be a “safety improvement” by the DOT.
Additionally, he explained that the need for a traffic signal at the intersection of Routes 27 and 1 was “most likely” the result of a number of small accidents with vehicles turning at that location.
The project will be advertised for bids this fall and work is expected to begin later this fall or in spring 2016.
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