Scarecrow contest winners represent variety of themes

For the Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commerce’s premiere scarecrow contest, Wiscasset Ford staff thought a hunter scarecrow would be a good Maine theme and would go with the trucks the Route One business sells, General Manager Mike Lasselle said Monday. Wiscasset Ford’s hunter, with an orange ski mask and vest, along with camouflage wear and a pickup truck, garnered the judges’ choice for “most unusual.”
The honor was one of four awards the chamber announced in the contest Saturday. “We were proud to be part of the community event and we’ll continue to attend and take part in others,” Lasselle said.
Judges Tom Block, Judy Flanagan and Sheila Sawyer reviewed 22 entries, according to information the chamber provided. Other winners were Sprague’s Lobster, for “most creative,” with a lobster-themed shirt and lobster pieces helping make up the scarecrow; “most scary” went to DebraElizabeth’s, with a witch and a leashed creature; and “notable mention” to Eldercare Network Wiscasset Green’s entry, featuring a scarecrow using a walker.
Certificates noting the wins will be delivered to the winners’ places of business, Chamber Board Chairman Monique McRae said Monday.
“It was absolutely a great kickoff,” McRae said about the first-ever event. The chamber hopes to do it again next year and start earlier getting the word out, she said. The contest was open to businesses and organizations. She noticed scarecrows around town that were not entered into the contest; coupled with the familiarity people now have with the event, that could mean greater participation next year, she said.
Scarecrows remain up around town for passers-by to enjoy through this Saturday, Oct. 29. Most are on Route One but some went up elsewhere in town including Route 27, McRae said. So the side roads are a possible way to look at expanding the event next year, she said.
McRae also praised the scarecrows area families made Oct. 15 for display along the municipal building lawn at Wiscasset Parks and Recreation’s annual scarecrow festival. “What those kids did was so spectacular,” she said.
A chamber email announcing the winners thanks all participants in the contest and adds: “It was really great to see all the creative juices at work! You are all fantastic!”
Flanagan, a Wiscasset selectman, said judging was difficult because the scarecrows were so creative, including the choices of materials.
“Kudos to the chamber, and to the community center,” Flanagan said Monday. “The chamber has been such a good thing for this town, and the recreation department has been trying to build on its events, so it’s nice to see a joint effort. It’s an example of helping to build community.”
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