Sen. Maxmin receives high marks on education record
Sen. Chloe Maxmin, D-Nobleboro, earned high marks from the Maine Education Association for her voting record on education issues. MEA scored 11 initiatives considered by the 130th Legislature.
“It is critically important that we do all we can in Augusta to support our education system, educators and students. The quality of our education system has a direct impact on the health of our economy and our future as a state,” said Sen. Maxmin. “I am proud of all the work we did in the Legislature to support our education system this session, and I am honored to receive high marks from MEA.”
This year, Sen. Maxmin championed efforts to fully fund education at 55 percent for the first time in the state’s history since it was mandated by voters in 2004. Sen. Maxmin also voted in favor of bills to ensure a good starting wage for school support staff including education technicians, school librarians, and career and technical education teachers. Making sure these hardworking professionals are paid a fair wage will help schools attract and retain quality workers.
Sen. Maxmin also voted in favor of LD 1733, which appropriated funding from the American Rescue Plan. This bill included multiple investments in education in Maine including investment in the community college system. Additionally, it increased the amount the state pays for retired teacher and education technician health care from 45 percent to 55 percent.
MEA represents 24,000 Maine teachers and advocates for policies and investments that ensure that educators’ voices, values and priorities are heard and respected both in the workplace and at the State House.
Sen. Maxmin remains committed to fighting for Maine students, teachers and school staff in the Legislature.
The complete Maine legislative scorecard from MEA can be found here.