State Representative Stephanie Hawke seeking re-election
State Representative Stephanie Hawke is seeking a third term this fall in District 89 which encompasses the towns of Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Edgecomb, Southport, Westport Island and part of South Bristol.
“Working for the people of District 89 over the past four years has been an absolute pleasure. While the reality of politics in 2018 can be frustrating and I spend many late nights at the State House, I serve because I love this region and I want to continue to ensure our interests are strongly represented in Augusta. “ Hawke said on Wednesday.
Stephanie is a business owner, co-founding Boothbay’s beloved Carriage House Restaurant many years ago and currently owns Hawke Motors in Boothbay Harbor with her husband Andy, a full-time lobsterman. Stephanie is keenly aware of the challenges facing small business owners. “I experience it in my own shop and I hear it from businesses all over Lincoln County, local businesses are facing two major problems right now: a real lack of people that are ready to go to work, and continued increases in state and local regulation. I dedicate six months a year commuting to Augusta because there are just not enough voices for local business in the Maine State House.”
During her current term in office, Hawke was closely involved with the efforts of a grassroots group called the Restaurant Workers of Maine, an organization that quickly organized in response to a state referendum banning what is called the “tip credit.” The “tip credit” is a mechanism that allows restaurant servers to count their tips as wages – an important economic ecosystem for both restaurant owners and servers that also provides for greater earning potential for restaurant employees.
“Tourism is a major driver of our coastal economy and disallowing the tip credit would have had devastating effects on all restaurants. As a former restaurant owner and part-time waitress for many years, I know first-hand how this would have impacted the industry and our local economy if restaurant jobs disappeared. The tip-credit referendum issue is just another example of folks from away trying to come into Maine and spend a lot of money on advertising to tell us what to do. Rest assured, as your State Representative, if a proposed change is not good for District 89, I will fight it.”
Stephanie resides in Boothbay Harbor with her husband Andy. Stephanie’s three kids are still close by: Nick, who is also a full-time lobsterman, lives in Southport with his wife Emilie and newborn Eloise; daughter, Lelia, manages Hawke Rental and is a server at Robinson’s Wharf in Southport; and youngest son Andrew also a full time lobsterman in the summer and attends UMO full time. In addition to her responsibilities at Hawke Motors, Stephanie is vice chair of the Boothbay/Boothbay Harbor CSD School Committee, a board member of Rebuilding Together, serves on the Windjammer Committee and as chair of the Windjammer Days Parade, volunteers at Food for Thought, and serves breakfast most Sunday mornings at the American Legion. Stephanie is the House Lead on the Legislature’s Marine Resources Committee. In this position, she draws on her family’s deep ties to Maine’s maritime industries.
Stephanie has a strong work ethic grounded in practical experience and common-sense economics. Stephanie knows the value of a hard-earned dollar, and she constantly strives to spend taxpayers’ dollars wisely and efficiently at the State House. It should be no surprise that Stephanie is refusing to force taxpayers to finance her election campaign through the so-called “clean election” funding. Her campaign does welcome contributions, which can be done easily through her re-election support site at
Stephanie loves to hear from her District 89 constituents and can be reached via email, at, phone at (207) 380-6803 or by mail at P.O. Box 82, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538.
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