letter to the editor

Suggested changes to Alna board

Mon, 10/04/2021 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

The town of Alna must fill a select board vacancy by next March. This moment offers an opportunity to make modest changes to our select board structure: changes that distribute tasks equitably among the three members, that foster teamwork, and that encourage more residents to serve. We’re proposing that our three selectpersons share responsibilities, are paid equally for their work, serve staggered terms of three years each, and select their own chairperson annually. A number of towns in Lincoln County operate according to this model.

Alna has traditionally elected a first selectperson who shoulders more responsibility and receives a stipend three times greater than the other two board members. Distributing responsibilities and pay more evenly will encourage selectpersons to solve problems as a team, and will make things easier should one member suddenly be unable to serve.

Currently, our selectpersons serve two-year terms, with two members being elected one year, and one member the next. Staggered three-year terms will ease the learning curve; each new member will join a board with two experienced members. In fact, the Maine Municipal Association suggests “staggered terms so that all terms do not expire at the same time.” We believe this approach will encourage more residents, particularly those new to town government, to step forward. 

We hope our Alna neighbors will think carefully about our proposal and engage in a dialogue with us about what is best for the town. You can view the petition at the Alna town office, on the Alna News Facebook page:www.facebook.com/groups/alnamenews, or by contacting either of us. We invite all Alna residents to attend an informational meeting and discussion, where they will be free to ask questions (stay tuned for date and time). In the meantime, thanks so much for your consideration.

Katy Papagiannis

Tom Aldrich
