Wiscasset Feed Our Scholars’ Set for Success event Aug. 11

Wed, 07/31/2024 - 8:45am

    The excitement is building! Put the date on your calendars, Wiscasset school families: Sunday, Aug. 11, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at Wiscasset Community Center (WCC) on Gardiner Road.

    That’s where and when every Pre-K to grade 12 student attending Wiscasset schools (or home-schooled children who would be attending Wiscasset schools), is welcome to attend accompanied by an adult to claim their school logo backpack, or bring their existing school backpack, into which they can put their school-requested supplies to help them be “set for success” in the new school year.

    Not only will people attending receive their supplies, outside WCC students can experience a touch-a-truck area with, potentially, a fire truck, a police cruiser, an ambulance, and a school bus for practicing bus etiquette.

    Once inside WCC, after checking in and receiving their pack and individualized shopping list, students can “shop” for their supplies. Other potential activities inside include signing up for a free haircut, having their eyes checked, looking for free gently used clothing at the St. Philip’s Bargain Basement boutique table, and exploring the many community groups’ displays where, of course, there’ll be lots of swag – toothbrushes, keychains, water bottles, on and on.

    Wiscasset Feed Our Scholars’ Set For Success (S4S) is grateful to the town of Wiscasset and WCC for hosting and lending support. Individual, group and business donors, you make this event possible for all students regardless of ability to pay; we thank you. Particularly, FOS would like to extend gratitude to its partner in this effort, the Parents In Education group, and to the many volunteers, Big Al Cohen, Wiscasset Ford, Wiscasset Area Chamber of Commerce, the First Bank of Damariscotta, Ames Supply and others. Because of your contributions of time and treasure, Set For Success provides to all so that any who struggle to prepare for the start of school need not worry. This event is a celebration of our community and of the community’s future through its children. So, save the date and plan to attend. It promises to be a joyous time for all.