Wiscasset Middle High School aspiring higher

Mon, 11/16/2015 - 7:00am

Aspire Higher Maine

During the month of November, high schools across the state are planning events to encourage students to aspire for education beyond high school and to help seniors complete college applications. Wiscasset Middle High School's MELMAC Leadership Team has planned a number of events to get our students thinking about their futures in terms of careers and colleges.

The focus of the Aspire Higher month ties closely with the "Connect Aspirations to a Plan" grant we have received since 2007 from the MELMAC Education Foundation. This grant has allowed us to fund annual college campus tours for students in grades eight through 12, visits to businesses and work sites, fund PSAT and Accuplacer testing to prepare our students for college entry and many other events to help students develop a plan for after high school.

College Bowl, a trivia contest designed to increase student knowledge of college, has been planned as a November activity. The first competition between grades seven and eight has been held with the seventh grade team members victorious. Grades nine through 12 teams competed on Friday, Nov. 13. Members of the winning teams received college T-shirts from a variety of colleges. Bulletin boards throughout the school have themes related to career and college planning. Other activities happening during the Aspire Higher month of November include "Wear College Gear" day; Financial Aid Evening for parents and students; after-school College Application Work Sessions; a "Dress Up as the Career You Want" spirit challenge; Career Chats by local volunteers, which will highlight a variety of career options; and a Financial Fitness Fair for grades 10 - 12.

Motivational speaker inspires

On Thursday, Nov. 5, Wiscasset Middle High School welcomed Ed Gerety as guest speaker. Mr. Gerety is an entrepreneur, author, and one of the top professional youth speakers and leadership trainers in the U.S. His inspirational and powerful programs have taught over two million students in all 50 states and Canada the life skills essential to develop as leaders in school and in life. These skills, which include respect, character, gratitude, leadership, attitude, and making a difference, were connected to student aspirations for their future in a very entertaining and enthusiastic presentation.

Mr. Gerety generously donated copies of his book to any student or staff interested. Thank you to our sponsors, The First Bank and the MELMAC Education Foundation, for making this event possible.