Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club offers free, lifetime Maine fishing license
The Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club has announced plans to award a free, lifetime Maine fishing license to a Wiscasset child under the age of 15. The club is soliciting entries from interested Wiscasset youth and will hold a drawing at their gun show in August to select the winner.
The drawing is open to any Wiscasset resident age 15 or under. There is no entry fee and only one entry per child, and one license will be awarded to the lucky winner.
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife offers lifetime fishing and hunting
licenses to Maine youth as an incentive for participation in these sports. Eligibility for a lifetime license ends at age 15, after which annual licenses must be purchased. The club hopes to foster continued interest in sport fishing by offering the giveaway.
Eligible entrants must be legal residents of Wiscasset. Entries can be made by sending a letter or 3-inch x 5-inch postcard to the Wiscasset Rod & Gun Club at P.O. Box 18, Wiscasset, ME 04578. Entries must be received no later than August 1 and must include the child's name, birth date, parents' name and Wiscasset address. Proof of Wiscasset residency (utility bill, tax bill, etc.) may be required prior to award of the prize.
The winner will be drawn on August 7, 2016. The winner's license application must be postmarked or received by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife before the child's 16th birthday. Paperwork can be hand-delivered to Augusta.
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