Wiscasset selectmen to take up Amistad ‘Harbor Peer and Wellness Center’ business license request Tuesday

Mon, 07/17/2023 - 8:45am

    One of two plans Amistad has announced for space at St. Philip’s Church on Hodge Street in Wiscasset heads for selectmen’s consideration Tuesday night, July 18. The board meets at 6 p.m. at the town office. 

    Amistad’s updated business license application still lists that as its name but later notes “Amistad Inc. is now a.k.a. ‘commonspace.’”

    The license request states Amistad would rent space at St. Philip’s for “Harbor Peer and Wellness Center,” which the application describes as “a community resource and recovery center offering support groups and one-on-one coaching/mentoring, along with other community enrichment offerings.”

    Earlier this year, Amistad won Maine Housing Authority (MaineHousing) funds for apartments upstairs at the church. Amistad Executive Director Brian Townsend said recently, the project is still planned and the organization anticipates asking MaineHousing for more time.