Wiscasset Senior Center
The next public supper at the Senior Center will be Wednesday, Feb. 16. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $10 for members, $12 for non-members.
The menu will be Tuscan ribolita, salad, bread, meatloaf, mashed potato, mushroom gravy, broccoli, and spice cake with cream cheese frosting. Please call 882-8230 by 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14 to reserve your meal. If you have reserved a meal and are unable to partake, please call to cancel by Monday before 2 p.m.
Cribbage results for Tuesday, Jan. 25 at 9:30 a.m., 13 players: First, Roger Downs, 823; second, Nancy Wright, 805; third, Marge Pooler, 793; high hand (28), Mary Ellen Anderson; and low score, Marlene Rines, 735.
Results for Thursday, Jan. 27 at 6:30 p.m., 18 players: First, Pete Watson, 835; second, Janet Lockhart, 827; third (tie), 819, Jeanne Marshall and Pam Frenier; high hand (24), Mary Ellen Anderson; and low score, Stuart Wyman, 669.