Wiscasset Senior Center
The next public supper will be Wednesday, May 4. The menu will be black bean soup, salad, bread, lemon chicken, rice pilaf, green beans, and blueberry cottage pudding with lemon sauce. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $10 for members, $12 for non-members. Reserve a meal by calling 882-8230 before 5 p.m. on Monday, May 2. Nonperishable items will be collected for the area food pantry.
Thursday, April 21, there will be game day. This will give an opportunity to use equipment like the pool table, board games, and puzzles. A lunch will be offered at noon. The menu will be tomato lentil soup, open face ham and cheese sandwiches, and brownies. The cost for this will be $8 for the meal. Reservations will be appreciated, at 882-8230. If this is successful, there may be lunches in the future.
Cribbage results for Tuesday, April 12 at 9:30 a.m., with 17 players, were first place, Catherine Rolerson, 838; second, John Downs, 832; third, Bob Gilman, 827; high hand (21), a tie, Catherine Rolerson and Nancy Perry; and low score, Roger Downs, 713.
Results for Thursday, April 14 at 6 p.m., with 21 players, were first place, Pam Frenier, 822; second, Ken Colby, 821; Marlene Rines, 804; high hand (24), Bob Gilman; and low score, Diane Robinson, 693.