Wiscasset Window Dressers get ready for winter
The week of Oct. 22, over 40 volunteers worked at First Congregational Church in Wiscasset on a project which will save thousands of gallons of heating oil and make dozens of homes around Lincoln County more comfortable and energy efficient.
Over the summer, people who signed up at www.windowdressers.org or contacted local coordinators had their leaky sashes measured for interior storm windows. Custom pine frames were built at the Window Dressers workshop in Rockland and brought to Wiscasset.
In morning and afternoon sessions, volunteers covered the inserts with transparent film and bound their edges with foam so they’d seal completely and stop drafts. Over and over workers commented on how pleasant the whole process was. They learned some new skills, met neighbors, made new friends, caught up on local news, and took home a product which will ensure a comfortable winter indoors.
For more than a decade, people have worked together in dozens of Maine towns to build these low tech energy savers. That’s kept prices down, or for those families in need, free.
The organizers appreciated the support of First Congregational Church in Wiscasset and the generous gifts of food and snacks from Sarah’s Cafe of Wiscasset and Rising Tide Coop in Damariscotta.
Those who might be interested in being a part of this amazing self-help project as customers or volunteers should check it out online or call 596-3073.
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