WMHS eighth graders graduate

Fri, 06/30/2023 - 8:45am

    Wiscasset Middle High School’s eighth grade graduation was held Friday night, June 16. The evening started with the procession of the Class of 2027 and then taking their seats. Eighth grade students Aiden Roberts-Haven and Brooklyn Alexander sang the “Star Spangled Banner.” Assistant Principal Warren Cossette then welcomed the audience and students.

    Cossette and Principal Gina Stevens proceeded to hand out awards. The NELMS Citizenship Award is given to two students who exhibit Teamwork, Positive Interactions with others, Respect, Dependability, Productivity, Service to others, Personal Goals, Respect for diversity and Empathy for others. The two young ladies who were presented these awards were Lily Dumas and Charlotte Bickford.

    The next award given was the Challenger Award for a student who overcame challenges and achieved success. The award went to Micaela Widbiller. The next award was the Secretary of State Award, presented to students who understand the importance of academic success and who devote time and attention to making meaningful progress in their endeavors. The award also serves to recognize those who take responsibility  for their work and who strive to make contributions in their community. The 2023 Secretary of State's Eighth Grade Citizenship Award for WMHS was presented to Charlotte Bickford.

    The students and families were then treated to a slide show showcasing all the eighth grade students from babies to the present day including photos of their most recent trip to Boston. The ceremony ended with each student being called to the podium to receive their certificate of completion of eighth grade. Pianist Cheryl Dilts played lovely music and the audience got to enjoy gorgeous floral arrangements made by Debbie Gagnon.