Woolwich nods trial use of mechanical CPR unit

Tue, 12/08/2020 - 7:45am

The select board gave Woolwich EMS the go ahead to get a $17,000 LUCAS mechanical CPR unit for the ambulance department, but the purchase will need voter approval next spring. EMS Director Brian Carlton said the company will take it back if the town decides not to buy it at the annual town meeting. Carlton said the town would not be charged for its use, or for training to use it. A town meeting article would ask voters to raise the $17,000 or finance it over three years at no interest.

Select board chairman David King Sr. said, due to the cost, the purchase needs to go to voters. The mechanical chest compression device lets health care professionals and first responders provide consistent chest compressions to cardiac arrest patients. 

Also Monday, Carlton announced Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has asked Woolwich EMS to be one of the first agencies handling COVID-19 immunizations. Woolwich and Topsham are among 35 agencies asked to participate in this program statewide. Carlton said no date was given.

To date, Woolwich ambulance has responded to 296 calls for the calendar year – a much higher number than projected, noted Carlton. “We had three calls in one hour today, all were handled in-house,” he told the board.

Selectman Jason Shaw said the town has signed the paperwork for $14,300 in state grant monies for more  improvements at Nequasset Park. Shaw said the grant requires a 25% local match. The monies will go to making the park and swimming area more handicap accessible. The town has been making improvements over the last few years.

Shaw, King and Selectman Allison Hepler recently met with Kennebec Estuary Land Trust project manager Ruth Indrick to discuss the planned restoration of the Back River Creek salt marsh. Hepler said $26,000 in KELT grant monies has been set aside for the town’s use for surveying and engineering.

In another matter, King noted problems with some private wells have been traced to the town’s former landfill off Middle Road (Route 127). King said he will have more information in the coming weeks. “Stay tuned. This could be expensive,” he added.

Fire Chief Mike Demers said the fire department responded to 20 to 30 calls in two recent winter storms. The calls were for downed tree limbs, power lines and blocked roads. Demers thanked Shaw Construction for its help clearing roads. The department also responded to a recent chimney fire and two motor vehicle accidents.

Code Enforcement Officer Bruce Engert said he recently issued three building permits, including one for an $800,000 home renovation and one for a carport.

The board plans to recognize longtime resident Hazel McIntire of Montsweag Road. She is spending the winter in Florida and will celebrate her 100th birthday on New Year’s Eve.

The town office will close at noon Thursday, Dec. 24 in observance of Christmas.