YMCA details its renovation

Sun, 11/07/2021 - 8:45am

    Following Boothbay Region YMCA’s recent announcement of a major renovation, Executive Director Andy Hamblett and Development Director Allyson Goodwin provided more details to the Boothbay Register in a phone interview Nov. 4.

    Hamblett explained, renovations were discussed by the Y’s board of directors over the past several years. The goals were to use the space as efficiently as possible, update the building’s systems, accommodate more members and reduce operating costs.  

    The 1967 building on Townsend Avenue is the organization’s main campus. The Y’s properties were valued at more than $13 million, according to the 2020 financial statement by One River CPAs. Since the last major renovation in 2011 which replaced the swimming pool, membership increased by 14% to 2,272 members.

    GRO Development was hired to assess the aging building in 2018 and worked with Boothbay’s Knickerbocker Group to develop a plan for the facility. Against the backdrop of COVID-19 and increasing construction costs, “That plan was re-designed and trimmed to include essential needs,” Hamblett said. Board President Charlie Britton said, “We needed to do the project now, otherwise we would be chasing costs well down the road. This was a well thought out and strategic decision made by the board.”

    In August 2020, packages were sent to construction companies seeking estimates for the renovation and to establish pricing. “We locked in a guaranteed maximum price with (Portland-based) Wright Ryan,” Hamblett said. He estimated the effort saved 50-75% from potential future construction costs.

    The revised plan includes site work to bury utilities and water lines, improve the parking areas and provide walkways. Although not included in the current renovation, site work will be in place for future projects for Harbor Montessori School and the Annex. Civil engineering firm Gorrill Palmer of Portland created the site design.

    Health and wellness areas will be remodeled, community spaces will be expanded and electrical and mechanical systems will be modernized. Solar panels will be placed on the Fieldhouse, the track will be resurfaced and systems to improve air quality and temperatures will be installed. A teaching kitchen will be added.

    The overall footprint of the main building will not change, with one exception. “We want to open up the space as much as possible,” Hamblett said. To accomplish this, the building will be shorter on the Route 27 side and wider on the parking lot side. This will allow a reconfiguration of the community room to a multi-purpose space.

    Brent James of Boothbay Harbor is the residential and commercial project manager with Knickerbocker Group and has been involved with the project since 2018. James manages the project and said the Y wanted the best use for its donors’ dollars which meant using more of the existing structure. 

    Allied Engineering created the mechanical, electric, structural and plumbing design. 

    “The mechanical systems are a huge component of the project,” James explained in a phone interview. This will include three new rooftop units and new ductwork to the lower level. The multipurpose community room will have its own HVAC unit. “Spaces will be opened up and walls removed. The goal is for flexible spaces that can be used for many purposes,” he said.

    In addition, James said Maine Department of Environmental Protection needed to approve plans for filling the small ditch off the parking lot which is a wetlands area.

    Work will begin Nov. 29, with completion by next fall. James said “full on” demolition and construction will start after the new year.  The goal is for “minimal impact on members,” according to Hamblett.  Wright Ryan will manage the construction.

    Goodwin said people have been very supportive of the project and most of the $6.2 million cost for the renovation has already been raised, thanks to 114 generous donors including board members. Contributions ranged from $10,000 to $3 million. The Y now looks to raise the remaining $1.5 million from the community, she said. Hamblett added, “Other than short term loans to fund construction, this will be funded through donations, including pledges out over five years.”  The Y does not anticipate the need for long term debt to finance the project.

    “We are trying to be good financial stewards to protect the investment in our facilities,” Hamblett added. He said the renovation will allow the Y to accommodate more people in larger spaces and better serve the community when needed.