What's the Buzz ? Summer came calling ...

Sat, 09/07/2024 - 4:00pm

About this blog:

  • Photographing President Obama

    What's the Buzz" covers what's happening, what might be happening, and what should be happening in the opinion of the author.

    Eleanor Cade Busby is an unpublished award-winning writer, photographer and blogger & simply loves writing about herself in third person.She published this absolutely all true bio.

    Busby grew up all over New England,a preacher's kid who set out to destroy every single stereotype about a "Minister's Daughter."

    She attended Goddard College, The Rhode Island Conservatory of Music and The School of Life, majoring in everything she could stuff into her head. She once had her own office and a red stapler. Her employees learned quickly never to touch it.

    Much of her very long life has been spent on or back-stage at theaters. She penned a couple of plays, directed many more and acted in scores of productions. She's done it all except hanging lighting. You can't make her climb a ladder.

    She won awards locally & nationally for social services and customer care. Most recently she was awarded the PEN/Toni and James C. Goodale Freedom of Expression Courage Award along with 3 million of her closest personal friends for "galvanizing a potent global movement to resist infringements on the rights and dignity of women and many other groups."

    Busby has been a theater, art and dance reviewer and commentator for several publications, including CRACKED magazine.

    Opinionated, obstinate, much-abused, and under-appreciated, she believes that if it isn't funny or relevant, it isn't worth it.

    Eleanor Cade Busby lives in Midcoast Maine with two cats who like to stand on her head at 3 AM demanding a sacrifice, often her sanity.

    Suggestions for topics and comments are always welcome at eleanorcadebusby@hotmail.com

It's lovely  when  the 'shoulds' quiet their incessant demands. We 'should' go shopping-- we 'need' things. Except we don't - not really.
We "should" go  do important things but sometimes Saturday is  for things our hearts need, 
Today the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens beckoned. 
“Summer came calling”
Summer tucked her colored petticoats into her waistband,
threw off her damp sandals,
and ran barefoot over plans
laughing as the clouds broke through
to let the steamy whisper of last night's heat
bathe the town
in a humid, sordid, lovely, living caress
disguised as a shower
that burned off as quickly as it fell
rather like a memory of one last kiss
People were meant to wear their September jackets
pressed skirts and gather at desks
in front of glowing screens to do their work
to earn,  to learn, to be productive
but found themselves
surprisingly drawn to the windows, the parking lots,
or anywhere
but the desk and chair
and Summer whispered in their ears
"Oh just for a moment,
forget duty
come dance with me."   
Photos at CMBG 9/7.2024 Eleanor Cade Busby