Poem on local spring
Dear Editor:
I believe anyone who has spent any time at all in the Midcoast region of Maine would share my notion that the area is truly a magical place, especially during the transformation from the cold to the warmer months. My father-in-law captures that sentiment so well in this piece. I was hoping you might share it with your readers.
“April in Midcoast”
By Dr. Mark Smith
I hear Red’s Eats opened last week while other signs of spring began to show. But an early Spring is not for the weak
Today we woke to winter snow, a plowable amount, along with cold. Not your typical spring snow quick to go
By March in Maine, winter gets old. Early April’s signs of spring are often just a tease, occasional warm days strictly fool’s gold
Often turned cold by a Northeast breeze but nature works her magic without fail,
Small buds poke through earth and appear on trees
Spring finally arrives on a broader scale, the crocus first, decreed by fate, daffodils tell another tale. And Red’s Eats lines too long to wait.
The end
The author, Dr. Smith, is retired now, but his life’s work and passion was and is education. He spent many years as a very well-respected superintendent in and around New England. He started writing poetry as a hobby in his retirement. I’m very proud. I think his poems are wonderful and I hope you enjoyed this one.
Alisa Smith
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