Three new employees join H.T. Winters Flooring
H.T. Winters Flooring in Edgecomb welcomes three new employees to its staff for the Midcoast region. Sales reps, Aaron Cole and Lura Johnston, have a combined 58 years of flooring knowledge to proudly serve Boothbay, Wiscasset, Damariscotta, Bath, Brunswick and surrounding communities. Wanda “Ivette” Chase has joined the H.T. Winters’s staff to work in-house greeting and helping customers and to manage the paperwork of a bustling flooring store.
Cole, who resides in the Damariscotta region, has been in the flooring industry for 48 years. Cole first started out in distribution, followed by installation, and then retail. From there, he was in wholesale for many years, and has been a flooring consultant for the past two years. Cole decided to get back into the retail market and joined H.T. Winters, a company that he has been involved with for more than 30 years.
Cole’s expertise is in both the commercial and residential sides of the flooring industry, working with homeowners, architects, designers and contractors. He has the knowledge and experience it takes to get the job done right.
Lura Johnston, of the Central Maine region, has more than 10 years of flooring experience in both commercial and residential. She has Schluter training and is Schluter-certified. Her past work history for one of the region’s largest flooring distributors has provided Johnston with extensive knowledge of material and product along with emphasis on customer service. She knows what is needed to help the “do-it-yourselfer” as well as servicing area contractors.
Ivette Chase, who resides in Dresden, was the office manager for 10 years for ARA Mark, a food service company in Connecticut. She then worked 15 years with autistic children in the Special Education department of the Hartford, Connecticut school system. Chase, originally from Puerto Rico, is the child of a carpenter and enjoys working in the flooring industry helping customers with the selection of their flooring choices.
H.T. Winters is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Evenings and weekends by appointment. Aaron, Lura and Ivette can be contacted at 882-5545 or just stop by to see them at 289 U.S. Route One in Edgecomb.
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