Classic boat race
The Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club will host its fourth annual Classic Boat Race on Friday, August 24. The race will be informal, and is intended for traditional, full-keel sailboat designs (whether old or new) and heavy cruising boats more than 25 years old. The event is open to both non-members and members of Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club for all activities. Skippers who do not ordinarily participate in racing activities are especially encouraged to join the fun. Racing is free and open to all men and women sailors in the community.
Activities start at the club at 156 Western Ave., West Boothbay Harbor. There will be a lunch at 11:30 a.m. Nonmembers are welcome and can pay by cash, credit card, or check. The Skipper's Meeting will start at 12:50 p.m. to discuss sailing instructions, start sequence and race course.
The race will start off Spruce Point at 2:30 p.m., and the course will be around Squirrel Island, past Burnt and Mouse islands, to a finish at the Coast Guard buoy in the inner harbor. There will be no spinnakers. There will be a pursuit (staggered) start based upon handicap ratings assigned by the Race Committee. There are two classes, over and under 30 feet. Race details will be provided in a Notice of Race available electronically or at the clubhouse.
After racing, everyone is invited back to the clubhouse for a reception and announcement of the racing results. Trophies for the race will be awarded at the annual Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club Awards Dinner that evening at 6 at the clubhouse. All are welcome to attend and buffet dinner reservations can be made by calling 633-5750.
Each skipper must contact the club (even if you have participated in previous races) to enter your sailboat and provide information so a proper rating and start time can be assigned to each boat. A rating from last year or a PHRF (rating) certificate will help expedite this easy process. Contact us no later than Monday, August 21 by calling or emailing the following individuals: Geoff McCuskey, Adult Sailing Director, at 633-5750 Ext 102 or Boothbay Harbor Yacht; Howard Levitan, Principal Race Officer (PRO), at 239-292-1219 or; or Eric Hakanson, Classic Boat Race Chairperson, at 633-4616 or
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