Faces in the places 2022
Wiscasset was as usual a fun, beautiful and sometimes moving place for locals and others and, for some, their dogs, too, to spend time in 2022.
Newcastle’s Adrianne Zahner tries out a yellow submarine of sound at the June 30 Wiscasset Art Walk. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
From left, Wiscasset Municipal Airport Assistant Manager Eugene Fairfield, Airport Advisory Committee Chair Steve Williams and Williams’ brother Philip oblige a photo request at the airport Sept. 1. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset’s Jan Flowers checks out the image of Hesper and Luther Little Aug. 18. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset’s Nancy and Wallace Roby enjoy the Sept. 29 Wiscasset Art Walk. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Linda Ashe-Ford interprets James Weldon Johnson’s poetry at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Wiscasset June 17 during Maine’s first annual James Weldon Johnson Day. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Leilani the poodle of When and If looks out at Wiscasset Aug. 18 at Schoonerfest, just as she did in 2021. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Post 54’s longtime Daughters of the American Revolution wreath-layer Clara Wentworth, 95 next month, reaches to touch Post Cmdr. William Cossette Jr.’s arm at Wiscasset’s honor roll wall Nov. 11 when Cossette remarked she was the eldest attendee. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Daren Wood splits wood Feb. 19 at Wiscasset Community Center for a Winterfest firepit. LJ Travis looks on. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Stantec’s resident inspector on the airport runway project, Andrew Weinschreider, and his great dane-greyhound Beau attend the June ribbon-cutting. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Bella and Dustin Chastant of Warren take in the strawberry festival in Wiscasset June 25. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
WMHS Assistant Principal Warren Cossette, left, and Principal Charles Lomonte, near the front office ahead of the start of the 2022-23 school year. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Kelly Delano of Westport Island walks friend Ethel Stansfield’s yellow lab Sophie in Wiscasset village Oct. 19. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Newcastle’s Adrianne Zahner tries out a yellow submarine of sound at the June 30 Wiscasset Art Walk. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
From left, Wiscasset Municipal Airport Assistant Manager Eugene Fairfield, Airport Advisory Committee Chair Steve Williams and Williams’ brother Philip oblige a photo request at the airport Sept. 1. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset’s Jan Flowers checks out the image of Hesper and Luther Little Aug. 18. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset’s Nancy and Wallace Roby enjoy the Sept. 29 Wiscasset Art Walk. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Linda Ashe-Ford interprets James Weldon Johnson’s poetry at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Wiscasset June 17 during Maine’s first annual James Weldon Johnson Day. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Leilani the poodle of When and If looks out at Wiscasset Aug. 18 at Schoonerfest, just as she did in 2021. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Post 54’s longtime Daughters of the American Revolution wreath-layer Clara Wentworth, 95 next month, reaches to touch Post Cmdr. William Cossette Jr.’s arm at Wiscasset’s honor roll wall Nov. 11 when Cossette remarked she was the eldest attendee. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Daren Wood splits wood Feb. 19 at Wiscasset Community Center for a Winterfest firepit. LJ Travis looks on. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Stantec’s resident inspector on the airport runway project, Andrew Weinschreider, and his great dane-greyhound Beau attend the June ribbon-cutting. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Bella and Dustin Chastant of Warren take in the strawberry festival in Wiscasset June 25. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
WMHS Assistant Principal Warren Cossette, left, and Principal Charles Lomonte, near the front office ahead of the start of the 2022-23 school year. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Kelly Delano of Westport Island walks friend Ethel Stansfield’s yellow lab Sophie in Wiscasset village Oct. 19. SUSAN JOHNS/Wiscasset Newspaper
Wiscasset was as usual a fun, beautiful and sometimes moving place for locals and others and, for some, their dogs, too, to spend time in 2022.
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